Luxury Accommodation Sassafras is not far from cute little Sassafras Village. We call ourselves Cloud View Garden. 

Why - we’re high on the side of a hill feeling like we are up in the Clouds. Our view is nothing short of stunning. And whilst leading local designer Rod thorpe has helped us create a bespoke garden - it is the beautiful canvas provided by Nature that has made everything possible. 

So what comes naturally - you’ve guessed it, Luxury Accommodation Sassafras has just been crying out to us => “let nature in”. So we have. Floor-to-ceiling windows across each of our three rooms. Uninterrupted rural views over hundreds of hectares - be blown-away from our large two person bath, stunned whilst in our huge shower and look out whilst cocooned in silky luxury lying in bed. 

You’ll feel like you’re in ‘another world’ but remind yourself to be so lucky - only an easy hour’s drive from the CBD. 

Romantic Accommodation Sassafras 

Luxury Accommodation Sassafras is what you want when you come to the Dandenongs. It’s about the extra-ordinary, leaving your normal life behind. 

The Fanciful Thoughts that are the hallmark of romance are often encouraged by some of the most simple, yet gorgeous things in life. Music, soft lighting, the natural perfume of flowers. Romantic Accommodation Sassafras is about all this gorgeousness and a whole lot more. 

Champagne in the bath, so of course, our huge freestanding bath is a lovely fit for two. Maybe your champagne is sparkling water and even better, our water is rainwater off our roof. Some cheese and organic veggies from our garden on your sunken bath tray too - why not. We’ve got it. Our minds have no limits so if you don’t see what you want to inspire that flicker of Romance that has just popped into your head, ask us ….there's every chance we can help. 

Romantic Accommodation Sassafras allows you to move from the bath straight into bed. Stay warm, your skin still soft and drift away. Or enliven and move out onto the balcony suspended in front of your living room. Your senses will tingle. 

Romantic Getaway Sassafras 

Romantic Getaway Sassafras is about experiencing those special things in life that aren’t in what you do back home, everyday. 

It’s going to be hard but early one morning, extract yourselves from your luxurious and cosy bed and let us drive you tomoneb of our special places nearby where you can see kangaroos in the wild, cosby and often with Joeys in Pouch. This is as far from a zoo-like environment as you can imagine. What a getaway. Hand-in-hand these spine tingling experiences and more are here for you to experience, at Cloud View Garden your Romantic Getaway Sassafras. 

We’ve got so many experiences to offer you - imagine the Romance of a treasure hunt to find (with clues) a gourmet picnic basket we’ve designed just for you that we have hidden in a cute place; maybe a nearby forest, a National Park or a secret spot close to the Iconic Puffing Billy Steam Train that is so close to us. 

Special experiences to remember forever are about the Romance of having each other in life. We’ll provide the setting and with your skin alive and your thoughts only of each other, you can do the rest!